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Buen Gobierno 

City Council Member Jorge Cruz Endorses Gomes For Mayor
Bridgeport, CT - City Council member Jorge Cruz, District 131, has endorsed John Gomes for the Office of Mayor.
Cruz stated, “John Gomes will be the mayor for all people. He cares for everyone in Bridgeport and that is why I respect him and that is why I have respect for his campaign”
Gomes stated, "I am honored to have received the endorsement of Council Member Cruz. Jorge has been a strong advocate for the residents of the South End and Downtown and has worked tirelessly to keep them informed on all city affairs and initiatives. Cruz, much like myself, sees the need for a new administration that will address the needs of all people in Bridgeport."
Gomes concluded, " I look forward to welcoming more partners who seek to build a more transparent, productive, and efficient city government that works for every resident. Our movement for change continues to grow each day and I am grateful for all the support from the Bridgeport community."

Bridgeport Police Hispanic Society Endorses Gomes For Mayor


Bridgeport, CT - The Bridgeport Police Hispanic Society has endorsed John Gomes for the Office of Mayor. 


Gomes stated, "I am honored to have received the endorsement of the Bridgeport Police Hispanic Society and thank President Dani Soto and all the members of the organization for their support."


"By the Men and Women of the Bridgeport Police Hispanic Society:


The Bridgeport Police Hispanic Society, a fraternal organization founded for its

members to foster spirit and unity; to inculcate a high sense of loyalty for our

duties, our government, and our department; to stimulate social, moral, and

intellectual advancement, and to strengthen our relationship with the community

we serve. We make up one third of the department, which is reflective of

approximately forty-eight (48) percent of the Hispanic populations currently

residing in the City of Bridgeport. Furthermore, we are represented and have

fostered relationships in all the major police departments across Connecticut.


On Thursday, March 16th, the membership of the Bridgeport Police Hispanic

Society, in a unanimous vote, endorsed Bridgeport Mayoral Candidate John

Gomes in the November 7, 2023 election.


Respectfully y Con Mucho Orgullo,


The Bridgeport Hispanic Society"


BOE Member Joe Sokolovic Endorses Gomes For Mayor
Bridgeport, CT - Board of Education member Joe Sokolovic, has endorsed John Gomes for the Office of Mayor. 
Sokolovic stated, “As someone who has been involved in education for the last 8 years, as a father, advocate and elected official and being intimately familiar with education funding, It’s refreshing to see a Mayoral candidate that has taken an interest in Bridgeport Public Schools. John is the only candidate, thus far, to put forth an education platform that truly recognizes the interplay between state and local funding. His plan recognizes that the city is not doing enough in regards to local funding and has an actual plan to find ways to shift dollars."
Sokolovic continued, "John is a product of Bridgeport Public Schools and entrusted his children to our underfunded system, which shows a dedication to public education. He seems to realize that the damage done to our children is due to fiscal neglect, especially on the local level that has been taking place for decades and most recently under the current administration. Our students cannot afford four more years of the status quo.It is for these reasons, I am proudly endorsing John Gomes for Mayor!"
Gomes stated, "Joe Sokolovic has been a tireless advocate for the students in the Bridgeport Public School system and I am honored to have earned his endorsement for Mayor. Our movement for change continues to grow each day and I am grateful for all the support from elected officials and the Bridgeport community."
Joe Sokolovic joins City Council member Jorge Cruz as the second elected official to formally endorse John Gomes for Mayor.


National Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump Endorses Gomes For Mayor
Bridgeport, CT - Renowned Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump, has endorsed John Gomes for the Office of Mayor. Click on the link to view Ben's endorsement.

Crump stated, "I am so proud to endorse John Gomes for Mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut. I know John will be a fighter for those who need a voice the most. Just like he has fought in the past and exhibited leadership, he will do that for you. As we continue to fight for justice for George Floyd and Brianna Taylor and Tyre Nichols; we must always remember, all politics are local. We have to make sure that every citizen regardless of their ethnicity, race or religious creed, that their voices will count; and with John Gomes, trust me, your voice will count."
Gomes stated, "To have the support of Ben is a great honor in our movement for change in Bridgeport. Throughout his career, Ben has been a tireless advocate for victims of civil rights abuses. Crump's legal victories have resulted in legislative changes in use of force standards and developing policy standards on implicit bias training. Ben is the most trusted civil rights attorney and advocate for social justice in the country and I am proud to have earned his trust, faith and his endorsement."
Gomes continued, "Unfortunately, we can not affect change if we continue to elect leadership who uphold the status quo. The continued obstruction and violation of transparency laws highlight the failures of this administration to be open and honest with the public. After eight years, the people of Bridgeport are tired of the stonewalling. 
Gomes concluded, "Our campaign is gaining national attention, and I am proud and fortunate to have a friend and ally in Attorney Crump. In 2019, Ben addressed a crowd in Flint, Michigan, stating “We want to make sure you are empowered to control the destiny of your city, of your community, of your family, and the future of your children.” These words ring true in our campaign's drive for fairness, equity, and change in what has become a movement. A movement focused on balancing the service and protection for its residents with equal justice for all. Justice where the law is upheld and racial discrimination is not tolerated." 

Ben Crump is the President of the National Civil Rights Trial Lawyers Association and is the latest prominent nationally recognized public figure to endorse John Gomes. 

City Council Member Maria Pereira Endorses Gomes For Mayor
Bridgeport, CT - City Council member Maria Pereira, District 138 and council running mate Jazmarie Melendez, have endorsed John Gomes for the Office of Mayor. 
Pereira stated, “The worst mistake I made in my 14 years involved in local politics was supporting Joe Ganim in 2015. I know first hand what we have in Ganim, and I firmly believe our over 19,000 Bridgeport public school students, tax payers and residents are deserving of leadership that will stand for and with them, not just those with political and financial power. For those whose trust and support I have earned, I am asking you to trust and support John Gomes by joining me in casting your vote for him on September 12th.”
Melendez stated, "John Gomes is committed to the Bridgeport community, this is his home, where he has personally experienced the negative impact of the past eight years of our broken leadership. I believe in Gomes' ability to center the needs of the people in our city and embody the values of equity and justice."
Gomes stated, "I am honored to have received the endorsements of Council Member Pereira and Candidate Melendez. Maria has been relentlessly working for the residents of the 138th District as a member of the City Council for the last four years. She has a history of service to her community, and was a strong advocate for public school students as an eight year member of the Bridgeport Board of Education. Jazmarie Melendez has been a grassroots community activist since 2017 and is a passionate advocate for community-centered empowerment."
Maria and Jazmarie, recognize that Bridgeport families need a new administration that will address the longstanding problems that plague our city."
Gomes concluded, "Everyday, the coalition to bring a better government for Bridgeport grows larger. I look forward to welcoming more who seek to build a more transparent, productive, and efficient city government that works for every resident. Our movement for change continues to grow each day and I am grateful for all the support from the Bridgeport community."

Amalgamated Transit Union Endorses Gomes For Mayor

Bridgeport, CT - The Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1336 - Bridgeport has endorsed John Gomes for the Office of Mayor. 


Union President Mustafa Salahuddin stated, "It it is time for a change in the city and in the leadership of Bridgeport and our union believes that John Gomes is the right man for the job." 


Salahuddin further stated, "The residents of Bridgeport, have watched the corrosion of the city and the lack of the vision and ingenuity needed to take the City of Bridgeport to the next level like that of its neighboring cities and towns. It takes more than paved streets and more housing units beyond the reach of those who can't afford it to grow and stabilize Bridgeport; it takes attracting investors and corporations that see Bridgeport for what it can be with the right leadership."


Salahuddin stated in closing that, "We gave Mayor Ganim a second chance, now it's time to give someone else a chance, and that someone is John Gomes."


Gomes stated, "I am honored to have received the endorsement of the Amalgamated Transit Union and thank President Mustafa Salahuddin and all the Union members for their support."


The Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) is the largest labor union representing transit and allied workers in the U.S. and Canada. Founded in 1892, the ATU today is comprised of over 200,000 members, including: metropolitan, interstate, and school bus drivers; paratransit, light rail, subway, streetcar, and ferry boat operators; mechanics and other maintenance workers; clerks, baggage handlers, municipal employees, and others. The ATU can be found in 44 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, and nine Canadian provinces.

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John Gomes para alcalde,

apartado de correos 2654,

Bridgeport, CT 06608

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Llámenos al: (203) 523-9235


Copyright © 2022. Todos los derechos reservados.

Pagado por John Gomes para Alcalde, Maria Figueroa, Tesorera. Aprobado por John Gomes.

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